Plugins are tools to extend the functionality of WordPress. This article contains a collection WordPress Plugins of plugins by category. The core of WordPress is designed to be lean, to maximize flexibility and minimize code bloat. Plugins offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs.
- Admin Tools -
- Gamer’s Pack – Makes your blog viewable using the Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, and PSP gaming systems.
- GoCodes – Easily create redirects from your WordPress Dashboard that point anywhere. Great for hiding affiliate links.
- Google Sitemap – Creates a fully-compliant sitemap for search engines.
- Greet Box – Identifies where traffic is being referred from and displays the appropriate welcome message to them, encouraging to subscribe to your feed, Digg or Stumble your posts, etc.
- In Series – Allows you to easily group a series of posts into a series.
- MobilePress – Optimizes your WordPress blog for mobile phones including the popular iPhone.
- No Self Ping – Prevents your blog from sending pingbacks internally to your other posts.
WP-o-Matic – Allows users to collect feeds and auto-generate posts on your blog.- WordPress Backup – Plugin that backups up your WordPress themes, WordPress plugins, images, and other non-database stuff. Works with WP-DB Manager.
- WP-DB Manager – Plugin that gives you full control over your WordPress database backups. Works with the WordPress Backup plugin.
- WP Sticky – Allows users to feature a post at the top of their homepage for a day or permanently.
- WP-Super Cache – Creates a cache of your posts to avoid server load. Great for surviving a Digg.
- Advertising -
- Chitika Premium Ads – Plugin that allows you to easily integrate Chitika premium ads into your WordPress blog.
- Got Banners – Plugin allows you to randomize your advertising banners. Ideal for 125×125 banners.
- Max Banner Ads – Plugin that lets you control your advertising from the WordPress dashboard. Also allows you to rotate multiple advertisements in a single spot.
- Show125 – Plugin that specializes in managing your 125×125 block advertisements.
- Shylock AdSense – Allows you to easily insert Google AdSense code into your WordPress blog.
- Authors -
- Author Exposed – Adds a full featured display of the authors profile. Great for multi-author blogs.
- Role Manager Plugin – Allows you to control the various WordPress user roles can and cannot do.
- Comments -
- CubePoints – CubePoints allows you to choose a certain amount of points for each comment posted by a certain commentator. You can offer premium content, allow readers to purchase merchandise or maybe even an advertisement for your blog with a certain amount of points.
- Keyword Luv – Adds an extra field to your comments where people can enter their website so they don’t add their website’s name in the name field for SEO anchor text purposes.
- Liz Comment Count – Displays a comment count in a similar fashion to the Feedburner feed count widget.
- MyAvatars – Automatically inserts the commentators MyBlogLog avatar next to their comment using the e-mail address provided. If unavailable, it will attempt to pull the bloggers Gravatar.
- Show Top Commentators – Allows you to display your top commentators automatically in a place of your choosing. Great for encouraging comments.
- Smilies Themer – Plugin that offers a variety of smilies styles to place in the comments section of your blog.
- Subscribe to Comments – Allows readers to receive e-mail notifications when a follow up comment is left.
- Domaining -
- Domain Name Portfolio – This plugin automatically creates a page in WordPress that domainers can use to display their domain portfolio. Everything is controlled from the dashboard.
- Downloads -
- Download Manager – Plugin that allows you to manage your downloads from the WordPress dashboard.
- Feeds -
- Add Related Posts To Your Feed – Will automatically add related posts to your blog’s feed.
- FeedCount – Allows you to display a numerical version of your Feedburner feed count without using the Feedburner chicklet.
- Feed Footer – Allows you to use HTML to add a custom footer to your blog’s feed. Plugin also supports randomizing up to 10 different footers.
- RSS Footer – Basic plugin that allows you to easily add copyright notice, etc.
- Forums -
- RS Discuss – Plugin that allows you to easily integrate a forum into your existing WordPress blog.
- Maintenance -
- Server Buddy – ServerBuddy tests server configuration to look for problems with hosting configuration and determine compatibility with various WordPress themes and plugins. Additionally it provides easy to understand explanations of various server settings and generates reports and samples of what to ask your hosting provider if a problem is found with any server configuration that needs fixed. ServerBuddy is designed to be extremely powerful but still provide information in an easy to understand way for even a novice.
- WordPress Automatic Upgrade – Allows you to easily upgrade your WordPress installation to the latest version. **No longer needed in WordPress 2.7+**
- Miscellaneous -
- Best Posts Summary – Automatically generates a daily, weekly, or monthly review post. Includes both post titles and brief descriptions.
- BreadCrumb Navigation XT – Allows you to provide your readers with additional blog navigation.
- Get Firefox Banner – Shows a banner to IE6 and IE7 web browser users recommending they switch to Firefox. Great for blogs whose WordPress theme is optimized for Firefox.
- Popularity Contest – Monitors your website traffic and gives you reports on your popular posts. Plugin is fully customizable allowing you to set the values used to calculate your posts popularity.
- WP-eCommerce – Plugin that allows you to create an online shop on your WordPress blog
- WP-Email – Allows you to add an “Email This!” button to your WordPress blog.
- WP-Submission – Creates a submission page then places all submissions into a post draft. Ideal for group writing projects.
- Related Posts -
- Related Posts – Uses keywords in your post URL’s to display a designated number of related posts.
- Related Posts by Category – Uses category to locate and display related posts.
- Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) – Currently the ultimate/best related posts plugin available for WordPress users. Includes related posts for your feed!
- SEO –
- All-in-One SEO Pack – The Ultimate SEO WordPress plugin. Allows you to set your homepage meta information and automatically generate custom meta information for your individual posts.
- Permalink Redirect – Creates a 301 Redirect to avoid duplicate content penalties with search engines. Also includes a Feedburner redirect.
- Tags -
- Better Tags Manager – Allows you to better manage your tags, as well as convert your categories to tags.
- Recommended Tags – Looks at your post’s content and recommends tags. Includes additional features.
- Video -
- All-in-One Video Pack – All-in-One Video Pack includes every functionality you might need for video and rich-media, including the ability to upload/ record/import videos directly to your post, edit and remix content with an online video editor, enable video responses, manage and track your video content, create playlists, etc.
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