Copernic Desktop Search Professional

Copernic Desktop Search Professionalis designed for small & medium size business owners and professionals who want to free up their time so they can focus on their clients. CDS Professional lets you quickly find everything that helps you do business--files, emails, contracts, or presentations.

It enables you to: Find any file instantly; Work with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, HTML, WordPerfect, text, ZIP files; Emails or attachments from Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora and Mozilla Thunderbird; Outlook Notes, Tasks and Calendar items; Over 150 other types of files like MP3, JPG, WAV, MPEG.

Control your search experience: Act on results without having to open another software application; Save your most frequent searches; Export your list of results in an HTML file; Choose files and email folders to index, including network drives; Control computer resources usage when indexing documents; Benefit from automatic, seamless real-time indexing of new or updated files and emails; Save battery power by suspending the indexing process; Get Web results for your desktop queries; Search the Web and your computer from the same lightweight, intuitive interface; Get desktop and Web results with a single search. Use convenient toolbars: deskbar and browser tool.

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