SmartFTP Client (32-bit) 4.0.1137

SmartFTP allows you to transfer files across the Internet. It features an Explorer-like, customizable interface and supports drag-and-drop functions. Multiple FTP connections can be opened at the same time, and you can copy files from one remote host to another (FXP). Remote-host directory information is cached for future viewing, and FTP URLs are supported. Other features include a Favorites list; the ability to resume broken downloads; a global history; background transfers; proxy support; a passive transfer mode; and the ability to perform recursive downloads, uploads, and deletes.

SmartFTP can be used for:

    * Web site publishing and maintenance
    * Upload and download of images, documents, movie and music files
    * Share your files with your friends and coworkers
    * Backup and synchronize local and remote files

SmartFTP 4.0 Build 1137 released
What's New

    * Integrated Editor (Professional)
      Integrated text editor with syntax highlighting, find&replace, and much more.
    * Terminal Emulator (Ultimate)
      Powerful terminal emulator for SSH.
    * Improved Remote Browser
      Improved browsing and content updates are instantaneous.
    * Updated Transfer Engine
      Now faster and using less resources than ever.
    * Many other improvements and enhancements
      Check the full changelog for details.
  • Price: Free to try (30-day trial) $36.95 to buy
  • Operating system: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7 
Download link:
    Download SmartFTP Client 4.0.1137.0 (32-bit)
    Download SmartFTP Client 4.0.1137.0 (64-bit)

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