How to get indexed in Google Fast

I have been searching and reading many articles in past few months to find out the fastest way to get indexed in Google search engine. There are lots of articles on the internet which gave this information but not very clear.
How ever searching all through blogs and websites i came up with the following ideas to make your website ready to be indexed by Google within days.

Submit to multiple search engines
Now a days u cam submit your website to multiple search engines for free, and it certainly will help in boosting up your rank for Google, the most important search engines are Google, Yahoo, Ask jeaves, Baidu( for Chinese market) and and also submitting it to Alexia will also help.

Get quality Backlinks
Starts with getting quality backlinks before submitting your site to Google, text-link-ads, Squidoo, commenting on blogs, link exchanges & if you can design make a template and put your site link on that. how ever text-link-ads may require a little money out of your pocket but its worth it because you can get quality PR4 or 5 backlinks, Remember PR backlinks does count, higher the PR backlink site, higher your ranking will be.

Build Solid title & meta tags
Google love quality meta and title tags, make sure you have enough keywords in meta descriptions, and your title tag is built on solid keyword searching.

Social Bookmarking can help
Yes it does help, most of the social bookmarking sites have very high PR value, getting a backlink from them is fast, easy and offcourse free. bookmarking sites includes but not limited to,,, and offcourse

Dont launch without content
never launch or submit your website to search engines without having a some content in your website, alteast you want to give them something from you to index, without content and they will not like your website.

These tips will not help you to get index in Google in 2 hours, but they will certainly help you to get indexed very fast and probably get higher rank, purchasing text-link-ads links will also drive traffic to your website which is also good in term of promoting your website

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