Set your computer to sleep and wake up on a schedule with SmartPower

You can use SmartPower to force your computer go to sleep every day at 2AM and wake up right before you're due back from work. Combined with Windows' auto-logon feature, it would seem to you as if your computer is constantly on. In reality, though, you would be saving quite a bit of power -- as well as wear and tear on its hard drives and fans.
SmartPower also lets you set other conditions. For example, you can have your computer go to sleep at 2AM unless it is currently downloading something, or if a program is running, or if there's a specific host on the network (for example, your laptop is on, and you're streaming media from your home server).
All in all, this is a clever application. It does something that I wish had been built into Windows in the first place.

Download SmartPower for Windows

Via : downloadsquad

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