If you believe Santa Claus is Real may be this option you can say to children :
Come Christmastime, children all around the world await the arrival of Santa Claus. Although the result of folklore, there actually was a Santa Claus, or St. Nicholas. The real St. Nicholas lived in Turkey. He was a bishop in the town of Myra during the fourth century.
According to Dutch legend, Sinter Klaas, or St. Nicholas, brought gifts at Christmas, either through an open window or down a chimney. This legend is the basis of the Santa Claus we know and love today. St. Nicholas takes on many personas depending on the country in which his tale is being told. But for most, he will always be a plump and jolly man with a penchant for cookies and milk.
What Do You Say When Your Kids Ask if Santa is Real? There are different opinions on this. Some thoughts on what I'd like to tell my children about Santa Claus:
Santa Claus is as real as one wishes him to be. If you believe in Santa then he is real. If you don't believe in him, then he isn't real. He is real as long as you believe.
No, sorry. He is just a character made up by adults to make their children more imaginative.
Yes, Santa Claus is real because he was already declared a saint. Therefore, if he is a saint, he can perform miracles such as giving gifts to a mass number of good children.
I really think that Santa Claus is totally real. But I am only 6 years old so you might not believe me. By the way my mom is typing this because I can't read and I am just saying this to mom and she is typing.
Totally not, it is just a silly rumor to get children to do what they are told.
Yes, he is real! Can anyone else give presents to good little girls and boys and make it home in time for dinner?
He is not real. Parents are the ones who put presents in the stockings.
Is Santa Claus real? Yes! Santa Claus is real! And I'm going to find him. I'm part of a growing team of "Santa Seekers" who intend to prove to the world that Santa Claus is real. We'll use science and faith respectively. And you can join us! Is Santa Real? Maybe you should join our "Search for Santa!" Or watch me in the new film.
Santa Claus is totally, totally real. There are about 2 billion children in the world (people under the age of 18). But Santa doesn't appear to handle Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, and Buddhist children. That reduces the workload on Santa to about 15%, now with a total of 378 million children is easier. He has 31 hours of Christmas time to do so. That is 91.8 million homes. He goes East to West because of time differences. So therefore he is real.
If you are more religious than most, then you would think yes, because he was actually declared as a Saint (Saint Nick) because of the miracle of delivering presents to good little boys and girls throughout the world that believe in him. But if you're a skeptic then most likely no, because as you grow older you come to realize that it is none other than your parents placing those presents under the tree (it was my mother's handwriting that did it in for me) but deep down it is a sense that it was like a childhood memory that even adults still cherish and present to their children's minds and hearts to help build their imagination and let them believe in something because as they grow older they tend to lose their sense of childlike innocence and it's a way of holding on... that and make it to where they behave for at least a month. But yes as someone else said it, "Santa Claus is as real as one wishes him to be".
Yes, Santa WAS a real man. He lived in Turkey.
The existence of Santa Claus is only as subjective as anybody else's.
If you are ten or under, yes he is. Don't worry about what others say. Go back to what you are doing. If you're older than 10 then Santa is the giving spirit of Christmas. It's about giving to others and being selfless. The spirit of Santa is in us all and as long as we remember what Christmas is really about, then yes he is real.
However, Santa Claus was initially created by Coca-Cola to boost sales, and it worked. This is the true origin of Santa.
Santa Claus, in the United States, is real to almost every child. The story of this magical man that each year drops from the chimney with gifts, is born from a very real man named Nicholas,later called Saint Nicholas, who lived in the third century AD. He spent his life devoted to giving everything he had to those less fortunate.
He is real to all those who believe. Keep believing!
Ask your parents. Ask them for a truthful answer!
While the current idea of Santa Claus is highly stylized and fictional, Santa is based on a real person: Saint Nicholas of Myra who was Bishop of Lycia in the 4th Century. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children.
Santa Clause is real to some people but not to others.
Santa Clause is 100% real... and no one is going to tell me otherwise! I love him! He is in the heart of every child in the world. He represents love and kindness and everyone should have respect for him. Saying that he isn't real is not only untrue it is heartbreaking for some children to hear that because when they hear it they think it's true and it IS NOT TRUE! All of you kids out there just like me this is my message for you: SANTA IS REAL AND DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU THAT HE ISN'T BECAUSE BOTH ME AND YOU IN OUR HEARTS KNOW THAT'S HE IS REAL!
Santa is real and everyone knows it! he is so real because he has brought me presents every year and he will do the same every year. I love him to! and my friend has neighbor and he doesn't believe in SANTA! it drives me crazy!
While the current idea of Santa Claus is highly stylized and fictional, Santa is based on a real person: Saint Nicholas of Myra who was Bishop of Lycia in the 4th Century. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children. He lived in the third century AD. He spent his life devoted to giving everything he had to those less fortunate
Source : sierrastar
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