So what do you need to know to track the big guy in red and white tomorrow night?
Where can we go to track Santa? You can access NORAD's website.
I'm sure you're wondering who these NORAD people are, and how they got the HUGE task of tracking our progress. Well, Santa accidentally left the wrong number for kiddos to reach him more than 50 years ago in 1955. Instead of reaching the North Pole, anticipating girls and boys reached military defense predecessor NORAD's hot line.
Since then, volunteers from the organization have teamed up with the boss man to return calls, update TV stations on his location, collect data on his whereabouts, and of course -- operate the Santa cams which show live pictures of him continent jumping.
According to their site, they use four satellites to track Santa! Can you believe it? Almost as monitored as the President himself, as he should be! All those presents, and so many places to go all within a few hours.
Update 2:
Can we also use Google Earth?
Yes, Virginia, you can! If you weren't already sold on everything Google, Santa decided to make things easier this year by making his journey 3-D.
Update 1:
If you’re the 3D-loving type, you can switch over to the (much more attractive) Google Earth view with the Google Earth plugin which you can install here.
Via :
Source: Noradsanta
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