Thousands Queue for Foxconn Jobs Ahead of Possible iPhone 5 Production

Despite the explosions, suicides, reported abuse, and poisonous gas, Foxconn is apparently a very popular place to work. At a recent hiring day, thousands of applicants stood in a 650 foot queue for hours outside a recruiting agency. The applicants—predominantly young males—hoped to be among the chosen to work at the Foxconn Zhengzhou factory. The starting salary at the factory is 1650 yuan ($261) which increases to an average of 3000 yuan ($443) after the worker's been appraised. Workers do also enjoy accommodations within the Foxconn dorms, including free meals. In all, Foxconn hopes to hire an additional 100,000 employees for the Zhengzhou factory, reportedly for increased iPhone production. And it's not like there's a shortage of 4S models, the likely cause would be prepping for the iPhone 5.

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