ChromiumOS is a lightweight, lightning-fast operating system for your netbook, laptop or even desktop. With the familiar environment of Chromium/Chrome, the entire web is at your fingertips in seconds. HTML5 & Flash are fully supported, allowing you to enjoy the very best that the web has to offer.
First you need download
Chrome OS USB image
Windows Image Writer
Now you Install Google Chrome OS to your USB (2GB USB drive)
1. Make sure you have extracted the cd-image (the. Img) archive (. Tar), you can use 7-Zip for this.
2. Start Windows Image Writer, select the image-cd (ChromeOS-Flow.img) and your USB drive letter
3. Click on “Write”. The installation image is copied on the thumb drive. (You may need administrator rights)
4. If your system does not support booting from a USB drive, burn PLoP (sic) on a diskette, CD or DVD and restart the USB.
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