Yoono: powerful but easy to use sidebar helps you simplify your online social life

Yoono is a powerful but easy to use sidebar for Firefox, Chrome that helps you simplify your online social life by connecting you to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Friendfeed, AIM, Yahoo IM and more all in one place. Yoono is also the easiest way to share stuff with all your social networks - share links, images and video from the page you're viewing across all your networks simultaneously. Connect to all your social networks and never miss another status update from friends or family. You're connected wherever you are on the web. Update your status across all your social networks at the same time. All your IM services right in your browser sidebar to easily chat while your surf the web - no more logging on to multiple services. Easily share links, images, and video from the page you are viewing with all your social networks at the same time. Discover cool stuff with the discovery widget that shows you related websites, images, videos and more as you browse.


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