List of iPhone Tips and Tricks

Many of us may think that iPhone is very beautiful and powerful. However, how many of us have actually used its full potential? Do you know all of the tips and tricks of your iPhone?

1) Get URL Hints
In Safari, you can press and hold any links in order to see the URL and site name of the link.

2) Dismiss Keyboard Suggested Word

To dismiss the keyboard suggested spelling of a word, you can tap on anywhere of the screen. You do not have to press “x” button at the end of the word.

3) Scroll to the Top of the Page

When you are using iPhone applications, you can automatically scroll to the top of the page by tapping on the “top bar”, which has the time, service bars and the battery information. In Safari, this will also brings up the URL address bar as well.

4) Different Domain Suffix

Hold down the “.com” button, you can see a popup comes up with “.net, .edu and .org” buttons. Slide your finger from them and then release your finger to choose.

5) Domain Resolution

When typing a URL in Safari, you don’t have to type the “www” or the “.com”. For exmaple, you can type “iPhoneToolbox” in the URL box in order to view “”.

6) Take Screenshots Anytime

You can take any screenshots at anytime easily on your iPhone. First of all, press and hold the “Home” button and then click the “Sleep” button once. The screen will flash white and the screenshot will be stored in your camera roll immediately.

7) Save Images in Safari

When you are browsing any web pages on Safari. You simply touch the image and hold your finger until a menu show up, select Save Image.The downloaded image is located under your Photo / Camera Roll.

8 ) Inserting a Period

When you are typing on you iPhone, simply double tapping the “Space Bar” button at the end of a sentence, it will automatically insert a period followed by a space. It saves you a lot of time instead of pressing “124″ to get the numbers and symbols page where the period located in.

9) Alternative Way to Navigate Screens

You can tab the bottom right or left corner to switch between different screens instead of swiping your finger across the screen.

10) Alternate Characters

Hold down a letter on the keyboard, you can see popup comes up with various versions of the character.

11) Move Dock Icons

Just press and hold any icons on the screen, then drag them while they are shaking. You can put any 4 icons on your dock (grey bar at the bottom of your iPhone).

12) Fit-to-page Column, word and Picture

When browsing web pages on Safari, you can double tap on a column, word or picture to fit it’s width to your iPhone’s screen.

13) Select Icon for Bookmarked Webpage

When you are browsing a web page on Safari and add its icon to your home screen by pressing the “+” button and select “Add to Home Screen”. The icon is a screenshot of the page you were on. You can have a different icon by zooming in a particular item on the page. It can be the website’s logo or any picture.

14) Scrolling with Two Fingers

Some web pages contains separate text boxes with their own scroll bars. If you are trying to move around in one, you can scroll it with two fingers instead of one. That will let you scroll just inside the box and not affect the position of the entire page.

15) Maximize Battery Life

There is a separate sensor situated right above the earpiece, that detects ambient light. The iPhone uses this sensor only once per session, just as you unlock the handset. But if you cover the sensor as you unlock the phone, you will trikc the handset into thinking it’s in a dark room, and it will power down the screen brightness. You can Also turn off Bluetooth and WiFi if you don’t expect to use them for a while. You can also set email fetch time to “Hourly” or “Manually”, and turn the “Push” off in order to save energy.

16) Reset Your iPhone

Press and hold the “Home” Button and the “Sleep” Button to Reset your iPhone. A white light will flash, the screen will shut off and then turn back on. Please keep holding both buttons until the screen turns back on.

17) Insert Punctuation Quickly

To enter any punctuations while using iPhone keyboard, you can press and hold the “123″ button and slide your finger over to any punctuation button. And then the punctuation will be inserted after you have released the button.

18) Get a Bigger Keyboard

When you are using the on-screen keyboard on Safari, you can rotate the iPhone horizontally before tapping on the address bar, the Safari window will switch to horizontal mode. Now you can have a much larger keyboard, making data entry a little easier.

19) Changing iPod Icons

By the default, the buttons at the bottom of the iPod scren are “Playlists”, “Artists”, “Songs”, “Videos”, and “More”. You can change them by pressing the “More” button, and then tap on the “Edit” button in the upper left corner. A Configure screen will appear with icons for “Albums”, “Podcasts”, “Audiobooks”, “Genres”, “Composers”, “Compilations”, “Playlists”, “Artists”, “Songs”, and “Videos”. To substitute one of these icons for one that appears at the bottom of the iPod screen, just tap and hold on the icon you prefer and drag it over the icon you want to replace. Tap on Done when you’re finished.

20) Make a Call from Safari

If you find any phone numbers in Safari you would like to call, you do not need to jump to the phone component. Just tap on the number, and the iPhone will dial it for you immediately.


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