Two phone Phone Windows 7 is used for comparison in the video below is the Samsung Omnia and LG Optimus 7 7, the first and the second using two Super AMOLED is the LCD screen. Through this video you can see more clearly the strengths of the S-LCD is AMOLED compared with the contrast and brightness, better, darker than black. However, S-AMOLED conspicuous weakness when showing shades of a color change, this one do better than LCD. CisforCoder warned that the actual S-AMOLED screen of the Samsung is only 16 bits rather than 24 bits, this explains why the image can be displayed on the LCD of the LG better not so good on the S- Samsung's AMOLED.
You might consider adding the following article to better understand why 16bit and not 24bit: Is the Nexus One screen resolution is only 392x653?
Via: Pocketnow
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