YouTube Begins To Remove Its Video Time Limits

Ever since it rose to popularity, most YouTube users have been hampered by one pretty major restriction: the dreaded time limit, which limits how long your videos can be. For years it stood at 10 minutes, then in July YouTube bumped it up to 15 minutes. The reasons for the limit were obvious: YouTube needed a way to prevent people from throwing up television shows and movies that they didn’t have the rights to, and the time limit afforded a pretty easy way to do that. But today, YouTube is announcing that it’s removing the limit entirely for some users.

At this point it’s unclear just how many users are having the time limit removed — YouTube says that it’s going to “begin allowing selected users with a history of complying with the YouTube Community Guidelines and our copyright rules to upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes.” That’s pretty vague, so we’ve reached out to YouTube for a little more clarity. But it probably boils down to this: YouTube will be rolling this out slowly, and it will only be doing this for established accounts.

Via : Techcrunch

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