YAAM, which stands for “Yet Another Android Market” is an open source market that is geared towards developers. Developped by Pixello Studio and eMee, YAAM involves 2 Andro/web developpers and 2 designers (their work is not available for the moment) for already one month of developement. The market currently has roughly 23,000 members and well over 400 apps. So, if this looks interesting to you, you can leave some feedback for the dev and you can also join in the project if you would like to help.
YAAM* is an alternative open-source Android Market.Check this video about YAAM.
It currently represents about 23.000 users and 400 applications.
Some functionnality:
- No description limit
- Up to 6 screens
- HTML formating in descriptions
- Developers receive 100% of application price (minus Paypal fees)
- Many more
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